Collaborative Code and Compare

Collaborative Code and Compare allows all researchers to code concurrently on the same piece of media without viewing any others' work. The process begins with applying a filter to exclude other researchers' coding from view. After all researchers are done coding, you can then clear the filter and view everyone's work on the same document. Throughout this process you can be tracking which codes had a high level of agreement vs low level of agreement.

Note: Be sure to memo about this process, as a thorough description of the systemic process you design and follow is ultimately what increases trustworthiness and reliability.




Step 1: Apply Filter to Exclude Other Researchers' Work from your View

  • Enter the Data Set Workspace

  • Click the ‘Users’ tab

  • Click ‘Deactivate All’

  • Click on the username for whose work you wish to view. This will activate that person’s work.

  • Return to the 'Dataset' subtab to check that the filter is active. The 'Current Data Set' panel on the left side will show you the amount of information that is currently active. The numbers will show you the specifics of how many descriptors, resources, users, codes, and excerpts that are active.

Step 2: Code Piece of Media on your Own

  • Close the Data Selector pop-up and begin coding

Step 3: Reactivate Other Researchers' Work

  • Access the Data Sets Workspace
  • Navigate to the 'Current Data Set' panel on the left side and select "Clear Current Set

Step 4: Compare Code Applications

  • Navigate to the piece of data all researchers coded
  • Compare code applications by either:
        • hovering over the black bar located to the left of an excerpt (for documents)
        • hover over the green bars (video/audio)
        • hover over the excerpted boxes (images)

You will see the researcher's username along with their code applications

  • Discuss any similarities or differences in code applications and associated memos
  • Decide which final code applications should remain. To add/delete codes on the excerpt you are preserving, select the bar to the left of the excerpt, then add or delete codes as needed. If you would like to establish the final codes on an excerpt, you can delete excess excerpts by either:

    a)   selecting the bar to the left of the excerpt and then selecting the large "X" inside the red "Selection Info/Excerpt" box or

    b)   choosing one user's excerpts to preserve and only editing that user's excerpts to ensure all appropriate codes are applied or deleted. If you choose this option, you can easily delete all other researchers' excerpts from the document afterwards by accessing the Excerpts Workspace:

              1. Use the Filter area to select all excerpts associated with the other researchers and the document in question
              2. Click "Select All"
              3. Click "Make Set"
              4. Verify the only excerpts shown are those you wish to delete
              5. Click "Select All"
              6. Click "Delete Excerpts"
              7. All excerpts created by users whose excerpts were not designated the final version of the document will be deleted.


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