Create Codes

Creating Codes

There are several different areas to create codes in Dedoose:


Option 1: Create Codes via the Codes Panel

Codes can be created or modified from any place in Dedoose where the Codes panel is visible. This includes the Codes Workspace, the Home workspace, and any open document or other media file.


To add a new code from the Codes panel: 

  1. Select the "Add Code" button on the top right of any Codes panel
  2. A window will open and prompt you to include a title and description
  3. Click Submit and your code will now be listed in your codebook

There is also an option to enable Code Weighting. This feature allows you to assign a numerical range to a code to indicate valence, sentiment, or to quantify something in your qualitative data. For more information, view our Code Weights guide

Option 2: Create Codes via the Quick-Code Widget 

You can also create codes using the Quick Code Widget. This is the fastest way to create codes and code excerpts simultaneously. This feature uses a keyboard shortcut to maximize efficiency when coding text documents and is great for inductive coding.


To create a code via the Quick-Code Widget:

  1. Highlight the passage of text you would like to code
  2. Hit your keyboard space bar to open the Quick Code Widget
  3. Type in your new code title
  4. Hit "enter" on your keyboard

The code will now be applied to the excerpt and listed in your codebook. Remember to hover over the code and select "edit" in order to write a code description. 

Option 3: Create Codes by Importing an Excel File

Codes can also be imported from an Excel file. This can be helpful for sharing code systems from one project to another.

To Import Codes

  1. Go to the Codes panel (available from the Home and Codes workspaces)
  2. Select the "Show Actions" icon toward the right corner
  3. Choose ‘Import Codes’
  4. Locate the file you wish to import and double click it
  5. Click ‘Submit.’