Edit Excerpt Length

You can change the size of an excerpt at any time. The steps for doing so vary slightly depending on the type of media you are analyzing. 


Edit excerpt length within a text-based piece of media

  1. Activate the excerpt you want to edit by selecting the gray bar to the left of the excerpt
  2. After you are in excerpt editing mode (indicated by the Selection Info box turning red in the upper right corner), right-click where you want to set the new start or new end location to bring up the options window (pictured below)
  3. Select "Set excerpt start" or "Set excerpt end"

text excerpt edit.png


Edit excerpt parameter within an image

  1. Activate the excerpt by selecting anywhere on the current excerpted portion of the image, or select the gray bar to the left of the excerpt 
  2. Click and drag the excerpt parameter box to move the location of the excerpt, or click and drag the lower right corner of the excerpt to enlarge or diminish the excerpt parameter 


Edit excerpt parameter within video or audio

1. Activate the excerpt by selecting the green excerpt bar along the timeline on the bottom of the screen 

2. Click and drag the start or end points of the excerpt to either elongate or shorten the excerpt timepoints 


Edit excerpt length within a PDF

You can edit excerpt parameters when coding a PDF as an image (instructions above). However, you cannot elongate or shorten an excerpt when coding a PDF as text. Instead, you need to create a new excerpt in its place and delete the old excerpt.