Account Workspace

Account Workspace Overview

The Account Workspace contains important information about your account such as: 

  • Your account information (username, email, and password reset options)
  • Account users
  • Account Projects
  • Billing information and payment options
  • Security policy options (enforce password policies, require two factor authentication, etc.)
  • Options to create and add new users to your account

account workspace view.png

Account Workspace Access

Only users designated as an account "Admin" can view the Account Workspace for security purposes. 

If you attempt to access the Account Workspace and you are not listed as an Admin of the account, you will receive a popup window alerting you that you do not have access (pictured below). The message will contain your account administrator email address(es) in the event you need to contact them and request admin privileges.

account workspace access error.png 

If you would like to be removed from a group or organizational account, please email for assistance.